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What is Market
An arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange things.
What is Household
A person or a group of people living in the same residence.
What is Traditional Economy
Economic system that relies on habit, custom, or ritual to decide questions of production and consumption of goods and services.
What is Public Good
Provided by the government, a shared good/service for which it would be inefficient to make consumers pay individually or to exclude non-payers.
What is Parks, Highways, etc.
An example of a public good.
What is Profit
The financial gain made in a transaction.
What is Firm
An organization that uses resources to produce a product, which it then sells.
What is Market Economy
Economic system in which decisions on production and consumption of goods and services are based on voluntary exchange by individuals.
What is Public Sector
The part of the economy that involves the transactions of the government.
What is Consumer Sovereignty
The power of individuals to decide what gets produced in a market economy.
What is Welfare
Government aid to the poor.
What is Free Rider
Someone who would not choose to pay for a good or service, but who would get the benefits of it anyway.
What is Centrally Planned Economy
Economic system in which the government makes all decisions on the production and consumption of goods and services.
What is Private Sector
The part of the economy that involves the transactions of businesses and individuals.
What is Authoritarian
Requiring strict obedience to a central authority or dictator.
What is Incentive
An expectation that encourages people to behave in a certain way.
What is Specialization
The concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms on a limited number of activities.
What is Mixed Economy
Economic system that combines the free market with limited government involvement.
What is Social Security
The safety net in America’s market economy for individuals who retire.
What is China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba
Three countries that currently have a communist economy.
What is Privatize
To sell state-run firms to individuals.
What is Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The total value of all final goods and services produced in a particular economy.
What is Centrally Planned/Command Economy
Both socialism and communism are economies within this type of economic system.
What is Externality
An economic side effect of a good/service that generates benefits or costs.
What is Employment, Growth, Stability, Economic Citizenship
The four factors that measure economic strength in any given business cycle.