vocabulary | Mobilizing For War | American Neutrality Threatened | Labor And War | BOUNUS QUESTION |
what is the Lusitania
a British Passenger liner
How many Americans were drafted
3 million
who supplied the Europeans
why did the owners reach the workers demands
It was hard to replace them
most disagreed that President Wilson would be neutral
true or false
what did Liberty Bonds provide
They Provided billions of dollars in loans to allies
name two things the committee of public information organized
rallies,parades,posters and pamphlets
what did the German use to try and stop Europe's supplies
how did president Wilson avoid strikes
National War labor Board
What did the Selective Service Act require
The act required men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register to be drafted
what was the outcome of the war preparation being so expensive
war bonds were issued and taxes went up
what sank the Lusitania
a German U-boat
when did they think it was the perfect time to strike
During the shortage of labor
What was the national war
in April 1918, The board helped workers and management avoid strikes and reach agreements
What is the Zimmermann Note
A secret telegram to mexico sent by the German foreign minister, Arthur Zimmermann Note, was decoded and then published by American newspapers in march 1917