french and Indian war | Mercantilism and Navigation Acts | Rising Tension (Taxes and Responses) | Deceleration of Independence | N.C. in the Revolution |
1754 - 1763
(9 years)
how long was the french and Indian war?
What is Mercantilism?
An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver.
Why did Britain Tax the colonies?
Because Britain had spent so much money protecting the colonies in the war, they believed the colonies should cover the cost.
What is the Olive Branch Petition?
In a last ditch effort to avoid war
When was the Battle of Guilford Courthouse?
March 15, 1781
The Engish won
who won the French and Indian War?
What is the Navigation Acts?
Laws passed by the British to force the colonies to exclusively trade with the mother country.
What is the Tea Act?
A tax on Sugar and Molasses
What is the Mecklenburg Resolves?
document created in 1775 by Mecklenburg County colonists that anticipated an independent local government.
What is the Edenton Tea Party
first public political acts by women in America.
True or False
Spain got all lands west of the Mississippi River, New Orleans, but lost Florida to England |
Did the colonies listen to the navigation acts?
No, they did not
What is the stamp act?
A tax on all printed materials: legal documents, wills, deeds, newspapers, pamphlets, playing cards, and even dice.
What is the Halifax resolves?
North Carolina was the first state to encourage the colonies to declare independence. In what is known today as the “Halifax Resolves”
True or False
NC was the first colony to advocate for independence.
True or False
England gained all French lands in Canada & exclusive rights to the Caribbean slave trade |
What is Salutary Neglect?
An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies
What is the Townshend Act?
Tax on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea.
What is Albany Plan of Union?
plan proposed by Benjamin Franklin to unite the 13 colonies and have a colonial army.
When was the Mecklenburg Resolves
May 31, 1775
A war was fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio River Valley area.
What was the french and Indian war?
Why did mother countries like the policy of Mercantilism?
colonies could supply raw materials and resources to the mother country and subsequently be used as export markets for the finished products.
What is "No Taxation With Out Representation"?
People believed that they shouldn’t be taxed unless they were represented in parliament.
What is the difference between Patriots and Loyalists?
Patriots - Colonists who wanted independence from Britain
Loyalists- Americans who supported the British |
What do the two dates on the NC flag Signify
It bears the dates of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence and of the Halifax Resolves