Al Capone | Charles Luciano | Prohibition | George Kelly Barnes |
When was Al Capone born?
He was born in January 1899.
What was his nickname?
His nickname was Lucky Luciano.
What is Prohibition? / What is the 18th Amendment?
It is the law that forbade the manufacture and the sale of alcohol.
What was George Kelly Barnes' nickname?
It was Machine Gun Kelly.
What did he die from?
From a heart attack.
What did he create?
He created a national crime syndicate.
When did Prohibition start?
In January 1920.
Where was he from?
He was from Memphis.
What was he known for?
He was known for being a crime boss.
What did he do?
He was a public leader of the Mob.
How many speakeasies were there in NYC?
32,000 speakeasies.
What was he born and when did he die?
He was born in 1895 and he died in 1954.
What was he like?
He was hard and cruel.
What happened in 1946?
He was deported.
How long did Prohibition last?
It lasted 13 years.
What is he known for?
He is known for the kidnapping of the oil tycoon and businessman Charles F. Urschel.
How long did he serve in prison?
8 years
What business did he run?
He ran gambling houses.
Who was in charge of enforcing the Amendment?
The Congress and each individual State.
Who offered him his first machine gun? / What did his wife offer him?
His wife offered him his first machine gun.