Who is Captain John Smith?
His most famous book was The General Historie of Virginia and Jamestown
What was The Salem Witchcraft Trials?
19 men and women hung and 1 man pressed to death as a result
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
Wrote an autobiography to his son.
Who is Henry David Thoreau?
Felt the people do not have to follow a government that they feel is unjust.
What is The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe?
Who is Anne Bradstreet?
The first published author living in the English colonies in North America
Who is Francis Daniel Pastorius?
Wrote Letter from Philadelphia to his father discussing William Penn
What are Letters From An American Farmer?
J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur wrote this to describe Americans.
Who is Henry David Thoreau?
Walden, The Village
What would Bartleby, The Scrivener say when asked to do something?
"I prefer not."
Who is William Bradford?
Wrote Plimoth Plantation
Who is Cotton Mather?
Figure comes to mind associated with Salem Witch Trials even though he did not participate directly
What is Common Sense?
Written as a call to action by Thomas Paine.
What is "Nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson?
First book that was published anonymously.
What is "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne?
Story about Puritans concerning actual events including the Salem Witch Trials
Who is Richard Frethorne?
An indentured servant, who wrote a letter to his parents about his time living on James River
Who is Samuel Sewall?
The only Judge from the Salem Witch Trials to publicly recant his part in the trials
What is Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving?
This story is an allegory for America.
Who is Ralph Waldo Emerson?
Believed in "the importance of self-culture to the intellectual and moral development of the individual."
Who is Emily Dickinson?
After her death, more than a thousand poems were found in her desk.
Who is Mary Rowlandson?
Wrote about her time as a Captive during King Philip's War
What is to show his outrage for the Salem Witch Trial?
Letter of Thomas Brattle, 1692 was written for this purpose
What are Ben Franklin's Chart of 13 Virtues?
Benjamin Franklin listed 13
What German philosopher was Ralph Waldo Emerson influenced by?
Immanuel Kant
What is "When Lilacs Last In The Dooryard Bloom'd" by Walt Whitman?
Poem was written about Abraham Lincoln's funeral