Presidents | Revolution | Declaration of Independence | Government | Civil War |
Barack Obama
The current president of the United States
Colonists dressed like Indians and destroyed British property by dumping hundreds of cases of THIS into Boston Harbor
The Declaration of Independence was written in this city
The House of Representatives and the Senate make up this branch of the United States Government
Abraham Lincoln
The president during the Civil War was
The maximum number of terms a president can serve
Paul Revere
His midnight ride alerted the minutemen that the British were coming
John Hancock
The largest signature on the document belongs to this man
President or Barack Obama
The Commander in Chief is this person
These people were against slavery and wanted it to end
Thomas Jefferson
He was the primary writer of the Declaration of Independence and our third president
Quartering Act
This act required colonists to house British soldiers in their homes
George Washington
This man was chosen to lead the Continental Army as the colonies prepared for war with Britain
Speaker of the House
The leader in the House of Representatives holds this title
Harriet Tubman
This former slave was a lead conductor on the Underground Railroad, helping hundreds of slaves to escape to freedom
George W. Bush
He was president during the 9/11 attacks
No taxation without representation
Colonists were not represented in Parliament so for every new tax that was passed, this common phrase could be heard
The men who signed the Declaration of Independence were considered this by the King of England
The president can say "no" to a law that reaches his/her desk. This "no" is called a...
South Carolina
The first shots of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter which is located in this state
The required number of electoral votes that a candidate must win in order to be declared president
This British general surrendered at Yorktowne
The largest section of the Declaration of Independence is know as the "List of ______________"
Life or until they choose to retire
The nine justices on the Supreme Court serve for this length of time
13th Amendment
This amendment to the Constitution officially ended slavery in the United States