Vocabulary | Party Time | Political Parties | Bill of Rights | Review |
What is Two-Party System
A political system dominated by two major parties.
What is Political Party
A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office.
What is Democratic Party
This major party is represented by the color blue and a donkey mascot.
What is 1st Amendment
Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly.
What is Declaration of Independence
This document, adopted by delegates from the Thirteen Colonies on July 4, 1776, proclaimed the existence of the United States of America.
What is Single-Member District
Electoral district from which one person is chosen by the voters for each elected office.
What is Single-Issue Parties
Parties that concentrate on only one public policy matter.
What is Republican Party
This major party’s philosophy includes smaller government, greater individual freedom, and a focus on traditional values.
What is 2nd Amendment
Right for states to maintain a militia and for individuals to bear firearms.
What is Federal Government
In terms of the geographic distribution of power, the United States has this type of government today.
What is Bipartisan
Supported by two parties.
What is Splinter Parties
Parties that have split away from one of the major parties.
What is Libertarian Party
This minor party is located in the center of the political spectrum.
What is 5th Amendment
Can only be tried for a crime if indicted; cannot be subjected to double jeopardy; protection against self-incrimination; due process of law; eminent domain.
What is Naturalization
The legal process by which citizens of one country become citizens of another.
What is Sectionalism
Devotion to the interests of one region of the country.
What is Economic Protest Parties
Parties rooted in poor times and demanding better financial conditions.
What is Justice Party
This minor party, which began in 2011-2012, is best described as an economic protest party.
What is 4th Amendment
Right against unreasonable searches and seizures.
What is Affirmative Action
A policy that requires most employers to take positive action to remedy the effects of past discrimination.
What is Incumbent
The current officeholder.
What is Ideological Parties
Parties based on a particular set of political, economic, and social beliefs.
What is Green Party
This minor party began in the 1970s as a single-issue party but has since evolved into an ideological party.
What is 8th Amendment
Right against excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment.
What is Social Contract Theory
According to this theory, humans living in a “state of nature” gave up as much power was needed to the state to promote the safety and well-being of all.