Voter Requirement | Federalism | Elections | Voting Rights | Political Parties |
What is "suffrage'?
It is an 8-letter word for the right to vote.
What is Division of Powers?
This assigns certain powers to the national government and reserves others to the states.
What are general elections?
Regularly scheduled elections at which voters make the final selection of officeholders.
What is the right to vote?
This is what women were seeking when they were asking Congress for suffrage.
What is the elephant?
It is the animals which represents the Republican Party.
What is 'franchised'?
This word begins the with letter 'f' and is synonymous with having been given the right to vote.
What are Expressed powers?
These are powers delegated to the national government, spelled out, in the Constitution.
What are nominations?
This is the naming of those who will seek office.
What is the Voting Rights Acts of 1965?
It is the federal act that protects all American citizens against various tactics intended to prevent minorities from voting.
What is Democratic Party and Republican Party?
These are the two major parties in the United States.
What is the 'electorate'?
It is the potential voting population.
What are Implied powers?
These powers are not expressly stated in the Constitution but they a reasonably understood in the Constitution.
What is a 'blanket-primary'?
This is sometimes called the 'wide open primary'.
What is gerrymandering?
It is the practice of drawing electoral district lines in order to limit the voting strength of one particular group.
What is a multiparty system?
This is a system in which several major and many lesser parties exist, seriously compete for, and actually win public offices.
What is citizenship?
Aliens applying for naturalization is trying to attain this.
What are inherent powers?
These are powers that belong to the national government because it is the national government of a sovereign state in the world community.
What is a 'run off primary'?
This takes place when no one wins a majority in a race.
What is 2008?
This was the year the the first African American President was elected President of the United States.
What is splinter parties?
These are parties that have split away from the major party.
What is the 26th amendment?
This amendment states that no state can deprive persons of 18 years of age or older the right to vote due to age.
What is Federalism?
This is a system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government between a central government and several regional governments, usually called states.
What is a polling place?
This is the place where the votes who live in a precinct actually vote.
What is 1870?
It is the year that the 15th amendment was ratified and declared that voting rights cannot be denied based on color or race.
What is the President?
This person serves as the party leader and starts that leadership with the power to make appointments and the ability to dispense other favors.