Civil Rights | Landmark Supreme Court Decisions | Civil Liberties | Inferior Courts | |
What are immigrants?
These are aliens legally admitted as permanent residents.
What is kidnapping and rape?
It was the crime that Ernesto Miranda was initially arrested for.
What are the Bill of Rights?
These were ratified by the states and became part of the Constitution on December 15, 1791.
What is a precinct?
This is the smallest unit of election administrations.
What is Congress?
They are in charge of the Inferior Courts.
What is a refugee?
This is a person who has come to American and is seeking protection from war, persecution or some other danger.
What is Plessy versus Ferguson?
The case that allowed for separate but equal facilities in railroad coaches.
What is the 1st amendment?
This guarantees to each person the right to believe whatever he or she chooses to believe in matters of religion.
What is a defendant?
It is the person who the complaint is made to in a court of law.
What is constitutional and federal?
These are the two types of federal courts.
What is de jure segregation?
This is segregation authorized by law.
What is Brown versus the Board of Education?
The 1954v case that ended segregation in public education.
What is Roe Versus Wade?
This court case involved the Supreme Court and struck down a Texas law that made abortion a crime except when necessary to save the life of the mother.
What is heterogenis?
This term is compounded of two Greek words, which mean race, family, or kind.
What are constitutional courts?
This court can also be called regular courts or article III courts.
What is denaturalization?
The process by which an alien that had become a citizen involuntarily loses their citizenship.
What is Executive Privilege?
This authority was first recognized by the Supreme Court in the historic case US versus Nixon in 1974.
What is the alien and sedition act?
These acts gave the president the power to deport undesirable aliens and made any false, slanderous, malicious criticism of the government a crime.
What is sales tax?
This is a tax placed on various commodities; the purchaser pays it.
What are special courts?
These courts can also be called legislative courts.
What is 14th amendment?
This amendment is called the 'due process' clause. Also sometimes referred to as the equal protection clause.
What is Gideon versus Wainwright?
In this court case, the Court held that an attorney must be furnished to a defendant who cannot afford one.
What is the Lemon Test?
It is the method by which the courts decide whether state aid to parochial schools is constitutional.
Who is Barack H. Obama?
Who will be the the President in 2016?
What is jurisdiction?
This is the authority of the court to hear a case.