Bill of Rights | Government and State | Articles of Confederation | Amendments | Articles |
What is the 1st amendment?
It guarantees freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.
What are Checks and Balances?
It is the ideological "safety system" behind the three branches of government.
What are the Articles of Confederation?
This documents established a firm league of friendship among the states.
What is19th amendment?
This amendment gave women the right to vote/
What are the Senate and the House of Representatives?
These houses make up Congress as set up in Article I.
What is the 7th amendment?
This guarantees the right to trial by a jury.
What is 'public policy'?
This is another phrase for official government decisions.
What is ratification?
This 12-letter word means formal approval or a final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution, amendment, or treaty.
What is the 15th amendment?
It was the amendment that gave all citizens the right to vote regardless of race of color.
What is a Senator?
This government official must be at least 30 years old, a citizen for at least 9 years, and must live in the state from which elected.
What is the 8th amendment?
This protects citizens from cruel and unusual punishment.
What is China?
It is the world's most populous country, with more that 1.3 billion people.
What is unicameral?
The Articles of Confederation set up this structure of the Senate.
What is the 18th amendment?
It is the only amendment ever to have been repealed.
What is Executive Power?
This is the presidential power to enforce the laws and otherwise administer the public policies of the USA.
What is the 4th amendment?
It protects the right of the people to have privacy in their own home.
What is Force Theory?
This is the the theory that states are formed through conquest.
What is the Second Continental Congress?
They officially declared the Articles of Confederation effective on March 1, 1781.
What is the 13th amendment?
It was the amendment to end slavery in the United States.
What is Article II?
This article outlines the Executive Office.
What is the 5th amendment?
It protects the people from being charged twice for the same crime (double jeopardy).
What is a 'clan'.
A 4-letter word for 'a network of families'.
What is the pledge to obey the articles and the acts of Congress?
It is the pledge that the states make by agreeing to the Articles of Confederation.
What is the 21st amendment?
This amendment officially repealed the 18th amendment.
What are Articles I, II, and III?
They are the articles that outline the 3 branches of government.