July 4th 1700s 1800s 1900s
B. France
Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States?

A. China
B. France
C. Germany
B. New York City
What city was the first capital of the United States?

A. Richmond
B. New York City
C. Always Washington DC
A. James Madison
Who was the first president to declare war?

A. James Madison
B. Richard Nixon
C. Grover Cleveland
B. Neil Armstrong
Who was the first man on the moon?

A. Buzz Aldron
B. Neil Armstrong
C. Alan Bean
C. Rhode Island
What is the location of the nation’s oldest Fourth of July parade?

A. West Virginia
B. Georgia
C. Rhode Island
B. John Adams
Who was the first president to live in the White House?

A. George Washington
B. John Adams
C. Thomas Jefferson
B. 1862
When was the first dollar printed?

A. 1850
B. 1862
C. 1835
C. 1954
When was the first year Veteran's Day was celebrated?

A. 1988
B. 1962
C. 1954
C. 56
What was the total number of people who signed the Declaration of Independence?

A. 12
B. 6
C. 56
C. Delaware
What was the first American state?

A. Maryland
B. Virginia
C. Delaware
C. William Harrison
Who was the shortest-serving United States president?

A. Benjamin Harrison
B. Andrew Garfield
C. William Harrison
C. Hawaii
What was the last state to be admitted into the union?

A. Alaska
B. Montana
C. Hawaii
A. John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
Which two presidents of the United States died on July 4th of the same year?

A. John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
B. John Adams & Herbert Hoover
C. Dwight Eisenhower & Franklin Pierce
A. Aug 2nd 1776
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?

A. Aug 2nd 1776
B. Aug 10th 1776
C. July 4th 1776
A. 10-15 Million
How many Africans were captured and forcibly transported during the entirety of the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

A. 10-15 Million
B. 8 Million
C. 22 Million
A. Franklin D Roosevelt
Who was the first United States president to appear on television?

A. Franklin D Roosevelt
B. John F Kennedy
C. Richard Nixon
A. Calvin Coolidge
Which American president was born on July 4th?

A. Calvin Coolidge
B. Harry Truman
C. Gerald Ford
B. Appalachian Mountains
With the Proclamation Line of 1763, the British forbid American colonists from settling west of which natural barrier?

A. Mississippi River
B. Appalachian Mountains
C. Great Forest
B. Cherokee
About 4,000 members of which Native American tribe died of cold, hunger or disease on the Trail of Tears?

A. Navajo
B. Cherokee
C. Paiute
B. Jeanette Rankin
Who was the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Congress in 1916?

A. Lisa Murkowski
B. Jeanette Rankin
C. Alice Robertson

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