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What is Discretionary Pricing?
What is 2.78%?
This is the 5-year fixed mortgage rate offered in the current campaign for new mortgages
What is Deposit Operations?
This department handles incoming and outgoing T2033s
What is 2009
This is the year TFSA started
What is Quarterly or whenever someone leaves the branch?
This is how often we do a security signal change
What is Large Currency (Cash) Transaction Report?
What is Prime + 0.4% (3.25%)?
This is the Secured Line of Credit rate offered in the current campaign for new secured line of credits
What is Records Information Management?
This department provides statement reprints
What is 65%
Max Loan to Value on a HELOC with a bank
What is $2000?
This is the maximum cash limit we should have in our cash drawer
What is Funds Under Management?
What is monthly?
This is the freqency of member appreciation days
What is Clearing Operations?
This department deals with incoming and outgoing wires
What is mortgage, line of credit and loan?
Name 3 products we can hold under a MOM
What is $150?
This is the amount of bait money we have in our cash drawer
What is Products Per New Member?
What is July 19th?
This is the date the bus shelter program would end
What is Credit Operations?
This department deals Property Tax Administration
What is the 3 month interest penalty and the interest rate differential?
Name the two types of penalties that may be charged if a fixed rate mortgage is cancelled before the maturity date
What is 5 business days?
New accounts must be received by compliance department within this many days
What is Community Banking Partnership Program?
What is Spring/Summer 2015 Lending Campaign
This campaign is currently running until August 30th
What is Deposit Operations?
This department deals with year end tax reporting
What is 0.1% discount on 5-year mortgages, 0.1% bonus on term deposits over a year and the $50/$50?
Name two special discounts/benefits being offered to the CBPP program
LCTR is being submitted to this government agency