Characters | Comprehension 1 | Comprehension 2 | Comprehension 3 |
What is the turtle's name?
Dance, the Wiggle Dance
What did the little girl teach Alfie to do?
What did Nia give Alfie that he had never been given before?
because he couldn't find a gift for Nia's birthday
Why did Alfie say that his heart was sad?
How old is the little girl when she first gets Alfie?
The store, pet store
Where did the little girl get Alfie from?
Behind the couch
Where is the first place Alfie looked to find Nia a birthday present?
The snail
Who told Alfie that all he needed was a good rest?
The little girl told Alfie he was how old?
At home, Alfie stood very still on the _________?
Toby, the dog
Who told Alfie to look outside for a present for Nia?
The fish
After Alfie woke up from his nap, who did he ask for help to find Nia a gift?
To find the little girl a present for her birthday?
Why did Alfie leave/disappear?
Who did the little girl introduce Alfie to?
A Stick
What did Toby the dog tell Alfie to get Nia for a gift?
a tiny turtle keychain
What did Alfie get Nia as a present for he birthday?
What is the little girl's name?
Stay in his shell
What did Alfie do when the little girl showed him her costumes and wrote him songs?
The sandbox
What did Alfie think was a desert in the story?
Alfie disappeared to find Nia a present for her 7th birthday.
What was the problem in the story?