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Who are Eric and Rob?
These two pastors have not taken classes from a college outside of GA.
What is Hosea?
Find the book that is not considered a major prophet...Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Hosea
Who is Peter?
This disciple denied Jesus three times
What is green?
These are the colors of the Olympic rings...
yellow, black, blue, red, ___________________ |
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?
The painter of the "Mona Lisa"
Who is Eric?
This pastor has a degree in Rhetoric
What is 12?
The number of tribes in the nation of Israel
What is locust?
The bug that John the Baptist ate
What is golf?
The only sport to have been played on the moon
What is 100 degrees?
The temperature in Celsius at which water boils
Who is JR?
This pastor's first name is actually Gregory
Who are Caleb and Joshua?
These are the 2 spies that said the Israelites should go into the promised land initially.
Who is John?
The author of the book of Revelation.
What is football?
In this sport, the home team has to provide 36 balls to the referee for each game.
What is Ottawa?
This is the capital of Canada
Who is Matt?
This pastor has served at another church in Colquitt County
What is covet?
This is the last of the 10 Commandments...thou shalt not _______________
What is tax collector?
Matthew's job when he was called to follow Jesus
What is 5-7 pitches
The average life-span of a major league baseball...
*5-7 pitches *10-12 pitches *15-17 pitches *20-22 pitches |
What are "Hunger Games"
Suzanne Collins' most well-known trilogy of books
Who is Lee?
This pastor once worked as a loan officer at a bank
Who is Uriah?
This man (not David) was Bathsheba's husband.
What is Damascus?
The city Saul (Paul) was traveling to when he was blinded by the light
What is Pittsburgh?
This is the only American city where all of their major sports (MLB, NHL, NFL) teams have the same colors
What is Istanbul?
This city was known as Constantinople