Riddles & Jokes | Bus Animals | How Many? | Summer! | Schools that Ryhme with Blake Hills School |
An investigator
What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?
Tiger, Panda, Lion
Which animal do we NOT have a bus for?
Nurse Cat and Nurse Cheryl
How many nurses do we have?
June, July, January
Which month is not a summer month?
Lake Hills School
Where do you go to school?
Blue Paint
What is blue and smells like red paint?
Frog, Elephant, Rabbit
Which animal do we NOT have a bus for?
Mr. Tommie, Mr. Cubbie, Mr. Charles, Mr. Joey, and Mr. Bob
How many custodians do we have?
July, August, December
Which month is not a summer month?
Lake Hills School
Where does the student sitting next to you go to school?
Nothing. Giraffe's don't speak.
What did the giraffe say to the baby giraffe?
Badger, Kangaroo, Whale
Which animal do we NOT have a bus for?
Mr. Thomas
How many librarians do we have?
Exploring Outdoors, Watching TV, Playing Video Games
What should you spend your time doing this summer?
Lake Hills School
You have teachers. Where do they work?
What is a pirate's favorite subject in school?
Bumble Bee, Dragonfly, Horse
Which animal do we NOT have a bus for?
How many cheetahs do we have?
Sunscreen, Fur Coat, Mittens
Which item is a summer item?
Lake Hills School
The bus picks you up in the morning and takes you to __________.
He likes R, but the C be his first love.
What is a pirate's favorite letter?
Eagle, Turtle, Butterfly
Which animal do we NOT have a bus for?
Approximately 100,000
How many hairs are on your head?
Independence Day
What holiday do we celebrate on July 4th?
Lake Hills School
What is the name of your school?