sai or sal | which person? | true or false | mom or dad | children or parents |
Salima is the family comedian
which sister is the family comedian?
salima has better defense
in basket ball who has better defense mom or salima.
false dad's favorite movie is not harry potter
dad's favorite movie is harry potter
true or false |
mom likes to read books more
which parent likes to read books more?
the kids eat slow
do the children or the parents eat slow?
I love art more
I love art more which sister loves art more?
which person in the family likes to watch tv the most?
true is the correct answer
in basketball salima has good defense?
true or false |
the correct answer is yes she has
has mom skied before?
salima is the correct answer
for which birthday out of us 4 had a Tim bit tower as a cake?
salima likes both equally
which one does salima like the best music, gym or both?
I can make 10 baskets the fastest
which person can make 10 basketball baskets the fastest me or dad?
the correct answer s false mom has not snowboarded before
mom has snowboarded before?
true or false |
the correct answer is mom
which parent thinks eggs for a snack is weird?
both the parents and the kids like pizza
do the parents or kids like pizza?
do the parents or kids like pizza
salimas favorite move is the zig zag
when me and Salima are going snowboarding who's favorite move is the zig zag?
mom and salima
which people's birthday are the closest mom and salima or dad and me
false is the correct answer salima's favorite youtubers are that YouTube 3 family
salima's favorite youtubers are shot of the yeagers?
true or false |
yes dad has caught a bass (it was big!!)
has dad caught a bass while fishing?
3 is the correct answer
how many out of the four of us have gone skiing?
neither we both like playing with it the same amount
who likes playing with the dj set more me or salima?
me and dad
which two people in the family hate lotion
true is the correct answer
my favorite youtubers are shot of the yeagers?
true or false |
neither is the correct answer
which parent has a sister?
do all of us love each other?