The Characteristics of Wine | Wine - It's place in History | Regions | Corks and Wine Expertise | Desert Wines of the World |
What is on its side in a cool, dark room?
Wine should be stored in this way.
What is the corkscrew?
This was first invented in England.
What are Pinot Noir and Chardonnay?
Burgundy, France is best known for these grape varietals.
What are silicone and stainless steel?
The two most popular materials that make up a wine cork.
What is Sémillon grapes?
This grape is the dominant variety in Sauternes dessert wine
What are Red, White, Pink (Rose), Orange, and Blue?
The colors that wine can be.
What is the most expensive bottle of wine ever sold?
A 1945 Romanee-Conti, sold in 2018 for $558,000.
What are Chianti and Vin Senton?
Tuscany, Italy is best known for producing these grape varietals.
What is Oxygen?
_______ is the reason wine can go bad and why corks help prevent with their airtight seal.
What is Vermouth?
This fortified wine name starts with the letter V and ends with the letter T.
What is 45-60 degrees?
The best temperature to drink white wine,
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This US president toured Bordeaux in 1787 and produced a ranking of the best regional wines.
What is Marsala Wine?
The island of Sicily is best known for this wine.
What is a sommelier?
This French word describes a restaurant waiter in charge of wines and their service.
What is ice wines?
This dessert wine type is made from grapes that have left on the vine while frozen.
What is the effect of tannins?
This makes your mouth feel dry and makes red wine red in color.
What is Armenia?
The oldest winery so far dates back to 4100 BC in this country.
What is Malbec?
Argentina is best known for this red wine.
What is the Society of Wine Educators?
This U.S. member-based nonprofit organization offers a Certified Specialist of Wine certification.
What is Santorini?
This Greek island produces Vinsanto dessert wines
What is the viscosity of wine?
The phrase "the wine has great legs" refers to this.
What is the the Wine Brick? (brick of concentrated grape juice with instructions cleverly written warning what not to do to prevent fermentation)
This was responsible for saving the U.S. Wine Industry during Prohibition.
What is Australia?
This country produces a wide range of varieties (due to vast climatic and topographic differences) but is best known for Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay.
Who is Dom Pierre Perignon?
This Benedictine monk introduced viticulture and winemaking techniques to Champagne in the 17th century.
What is 1811 Château d’Yquem?
A bottle of this 1811 vintage sweet wine sold for 75,000 pounds in 2011