Properties of the Sun | Sun Facts | Misc. Sun Information |
The sun takes up 99% of the mass in our solar system
In our solar system, how much mass does our sun take up?
The sun doesn't move; it is stationary
Does the sun move across the sky?
Dark colors attract more of the sun's rays.
What color attracts most of the sun's rays?
The sun supports life on Earth.
Why is the sun important to Earth?
The sun is made of gases so it is not a solid.
Is the sun a solid?
Sunspots are dark whirlpools of magnetic disturbance.
What are sunspots?
The sun provides both heat & light.
How does the sun support life on Earth?
The sun rotates; it takes 27 days to complete one turn.
Does the sun rotate or spin?
The outer part of the sun is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
How hot is the sun?
The sun provides light which allows plants to grow; they provide food and oxygen.
Why is heat & light important?
The telescope is used to observe objects far away.
What instrument is used to observe objects far away?
- The sun is a star
Is the sun a planet?
The sun is made of gasses called helium & hydrogen.
What is the sun made of?
No, based on how close the Earth is from the sun, determines the four seasons.
Without the sun, would Earth be able to have four seasons?
93 million miles from Earth.
What is the distance from the Earth to the Sun?