Outdoor Enviornment | How are we Learing | How Long? | When is it Due? | True or False |
What is the required amount of time to play outside?
1 Hour
What is name of the curriculum we use?
OWL- Opening the World of Learning
What is the maximum about of time for Nap in PreK?
No longer than 1 hour?
What is the day of the week lesson plans are due?
If its has been raining and the ground is wet children should not be taken out to play?
How often is Playground Safety training required
What is the name of our Curriculum Supplement?
What is the maximum amount of time children should sit in whole group?
20 mins.
What is the date your schedule should be posted and sent to CO?
Posted on Day 1 and sent to CO by Aug. 26th.
Home visits are a requirement of NC PK?
How often are Playground checks completed?
What are the names of our ongoing assessments
Teaching Strategies Gold and
Pre-K Assessment |
What is the maximum amount of wait time without a activity?
3 minutes
What is date your County Wide Rules should be posted in your classroom?
Day 1
It OK to keep my cell phone on and text during the day as long as I don't leave my students?
What is child/teacher ratio for Outside play?
1:9 or less according to the needs of the children
What is the name of the screening tool we use?
How often are Fire drills conducted?
1 time a month
When are Exit COSF's Completed on EC students?
At the end of PreK before entering Kindergarten
Using a loud tone can be written up as a violation from DCDEE monitors?
What is required to have a pool on the playground?
A Certified Lifeguard
What (3) programs do we support in our Classroom?
Exceptional Children Private Pay |
What determines the amount of time that is allowed for free center time daily?
Substantial Portion of the Day
How often are EC progress reports due?
Every 9 weeks
It OK to lightly pop a child when they are misbehaving?