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What is horse back riding
Sport to play
What is Seafood
Favorite food
What is repeat herself
Thing Kaleigh does
What is fear of spiders
what is mane and tail
What do you call the hair on a horse
Who is Chile
Favorite horse at Hearts and Horses
What is pumpkin
Favorite Ice cream flavor
What is human
What is fear of bathrooms
what is tack
What do you call the saddle, bridle and ect. as a group
What is ice hockey
Sport to watch.
What is Applebees
What restaurant has the fries that Maya likes
What is a chihuahua
dog breed
What is fear of hospitals
What is a shedding blade
when a horse is shedding what brush do you use
What is bernese mountain dog
Dog breed
What is Pumpkin Valley Farm
What place has Maya's favorite kettle corm
Who is greg
What is fear of needles
what is a bit
what do you put in a horses mouth when you ride
What is marwari
horse breed
What is banana
What food gives maya the runs
Who is Stoney
Horse at hearts and horses
What is fear of crowed and open places
what is a mule
What do you call a mix of a donkey and horse