Barrier Family Planning Hormonal Last Resorts
Name three Barrier Methods
Internal condoms. External condom, cervical cap, diaphragm, sponge
How can you reduce the risk of pregnancy using the pull out method
Pee after every ejaculation before further sexual activity
Which birth control methods can be used as emergency contraception?
The pill and IUDxc
Why is spermadice not widely used anymore?
It causes irritation which can increase the transmission of STIs
What Constitutes perfect practice of abstinence
No contact with bodily fluids
What constitutes the perfect use of condoms? List 3
Adding lube, using a new one ever time, non-expired, make sure it is the right fit, correct removal
How long can sperm live in cervical mucus
3-5 days
Name the three major materials used to make condoms
Latex, polyisoprene, animal material
What percentage if women have ever used the withdrawal/pull-out method
How long does it take for Depo-Provera to be effective to be effective and how long does it last?
It takes 24 hours to become effective and it remains effective for 3 months
List the typical and perfect use for pregnancy percentages for one of the barrier methods
External condiment: typical is 18%, perfect is 2%

Internal Condom: typical 21%, perfect 5%

Diaphragm: typical 12%, perfect 6%

Sponge (never had children): typical 12%, perfect 9%
What is the percentage of pregnancy using the withdrawal method, typical or perfect
Typical: 22%
Perfect: 4%

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