Behavior Intervention Plans | Functional Behavior Assessments | Social Emotional Learning |
A BIP is a written improvement plan created for a student that specifies the actions to take to improve or replace the behavior.
What is a Behavior Intervention Plan?
A process used to understand why a student is engagin in challenging behavior or to determine the purpose of the behavior.
What is a Functional Behavior Assessment?
SEL is teaching students to understand and manage their feelings, how to get along with others, making good choices, and working towards their goals.
What is Social Emotional Learning?
Self-Awareness, Collaboration, Goal Setting, Motivation, Skill Development
Why is it important to involve the student when developing a BIP?
The FBA ensures that the BIP is individualized and aligned with the function of the challenging behavior.
Why is it important to conduct an FBA before developing a BIP?
It supports their emotional and social development, enhances academic performance, and prepares them to navigate the complex world with confidence and resilience.
Why is it important for students to develop social emotional skills?
Targeted behavior,
Support Strategies, Environmental Modifications, Relevant Stakeholders, Positive Replacement Behaviors, Function of Behavior
Name one component that should be included in a BIP.
ABC Chart,
Frequency Charts, Duration Charts, Intensity Charts.
What are some examples of data collection methods used in FBAs?
Self awareness,
Self management, Social awareness, Relationship skills, Responsible decision making.
Name one skill or competency that is developed through SEL
Reinforcers should align with the individual student needs, preferences, and the function of the behavior.
How can reinforcement be used in a BIP?
Define the behavior,
Collect data, Analyze data, Develop a hypothesis (Attention seeking, Escape, Access to items/people, Sensory Stimulation), Create a BIP, Monitor and revise as needed.
What are the steps involved in conducting a FBA?
Explicit instruction,
Integration into academic content, Modeling, Cooperative learning, Reflection and discussion, Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, Community building.
How can teachers incorporate SEL into their lessons?
Review and analyze data, Conduct FBA if not previously done, Consider environmental factors, Seek additional support.
What should be done if a BIP is not effective?
Behavior interview with teachers and parents, Behavior checklists, Review of records, Previous assessments, Historical data.
How can data be collected during a FBA?
Creating a supportive environment,
Encouraging positive relationships, Conflict resolution, Mindfulness practice, SEL programs, Role modeling, Individualized support.
What are some strategies for promoting social and emotional learning in student?