Basic Facts | Darius | His Father | Battles | Vocabulary |
When did Alexander get the throne?
What land does he rule?
Philip II
What was Alexander's father's name?
He destroyed it and enslaved the Theban people.
What did Alexander do in Thebes?
What does Hellenistic mean?
When did Alexander die?
Darius became the ruler four years after who died?
What was Philip II king of?
Even though their troops were much larger, they easily defeated them.
What happened when he attacked the Persians in 334 BC?
A group of warriors who stood close together in a square.
What was a phalanx?
Alexander's great efforts to build an empire made him one of the greatest conquerors in history.
Why was Alexander known as "Alexander the Great"?
To connect various parts of the empire.
Why did Darius build roads?
He was murdered at his daughter's wedding
How did Philip II die?
He defeated the Persians. It was important because it was the last time he would fight the Persian army.
What happened in Gaugamela? What was the importance of this battle?
A unit of soldiers who ride horses
What is a cavalry?( Hint found in section 1)
A golden coffin.
What was he buried in when he died?
20 provinces
How did Darius organize the empire?
The people at Thebes rebelled.
What happened when Philip II died?
Granicus and Issus
What are the major battle sights?
An agreement to work together.
What is the definition of alliance?
Alexander was educated along with what Greek philosopher?
What was the new capitol that Darius named?
He gave his soldiers spears that were much longer then their opponents.
How did Philip II improve the Greek's ideas?
His exhausted soldiers refused to go any farther.
What happened when Alexander wanted to push deeper into India?
A war between Athens and Sparta that threatened to tear all of Greece apart.
What was the Peloponnesian War?