Why? The Initial compromise Arguements The final resolution.
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
This man had the idea of a National Bank
- Answers vary (Up to our discretion)
This was one step of "the plan".
Hamilton and the Federalists were in favor of a loose interpretation.
These people followed a "loose interpretation".
What was the "Assumption Compromise” or "The Compromise of 1790"?
This was the name of the final solution.
How much is $52 million?
The U.S. owed this much money to their allies
Assumption was that the national government assumed responsibility for paying the debts of all 13 states as well as the obligations of the federal government.
Who were James Madison and the Antifederalists?
These people followed a "strict interpretation".
Where is the Potomac River? (Not Washington D.C because it was not fully decided yet)
This was the location of the new capital.
Who is James Madison?
This man had the idea of tariff bills
The bank would bring in money by giving loans to businesses and the common people, then having them pay interest.
This explains how the plan would work.
The power to charter a national bank is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
This was the basic problem.
Jee, I wonder who. Thank you so much, Mr. Marshall!!!!
BONUS!!! Who is the best history teacher of all time?
When was 1789?
This is when Hamilton proposed his Financial plan.
- Answers vary (Up to our discretion)
How would Hamilton's plan solve this issue?
A loose interpretation uses the elastic clause to support the idea of a national bank. It was believed that the bank was “necessary and proper” for the country.
What is a "loose interpretation"?
The “Assumption Compromise” was a solution to the disagreement between the North & the South.
This is what the "Assumption Compromise" solved.
Who are France, The Netherlands, and Spain?
The U.S. owed money to these allies in the form of war debt.
1st: pay off all war debts.
2nd: raise government revenues
3rd: create a national bank
Hamilton proposed these three actions to address the issue.
A “strict” interpretation is one that states that it is against the constitution to establish a national bank. The power to charter a national bank is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution.
What is a "strict interpretation"?
The Assumption Compromise stated that in exchange for creating a national bank, the capital would be placed in the South.
This is what the assumption compromise stated.

Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan.

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