Alcohol | Studying | miscellaneous |
False, men average 1-1.25 hours/drinks while women metabolize on average 1.5-2 hours/drink
True or False, On average,men and women metabolize alcohol at the same rate.
Cal Poly students study __ - __ hours per week
Jack Sparrow
What is the name of Johnny Depp's character in Pirates of the Caribbean?
True, the majority of rape incidents occur under the influence of alcohol
True or False, Alcohol is the number one date rape drug
The most common learning style
Princess Peach
Who are the Mario Brothers always trying to save?
Blood Alcohol Content, it represents the percentage of alcohol to blood
What does BAC stand for?
Flash Cards
If you have several terms to memorize, try making ____ ____ to help you study
What is the main ingredient in glass?
Alcohol Dependancy
Regularly drinking more than you intended is a sign of this
_____ devices such as the great lakes = HOMES(Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior) to remember information can be a great study technique.
The Mojave Desert
What desert surrounds Las Vegas?
0.8 for over 21, 0 or .01 for people under 21
What is the nationwide legal limit for a driver's BAC who is over 21? Under 21?
The first day
When should you begin studying for a class's exams?
What is the former name of Istanbul?