Serving Facts | Tips & Tricks | Alcohol Poisoning | Who you gonna call? | Loco for Hoco |
What is a shot glass, to 1st line on red solo cup?
What is the standard serving size of hard liquor? (rum, vodka, 40% alcohol)
What is ____? (For every drink of alcohol, have one non-alcoholic drink, etc)
I can do this to avoid binge drinking.
What is ___?
This is a way I can prevent myself/friends from overdosing on alcohol
The COR in Vic Hall?
This is a place I can take my friend if they have had a bit too much to drink.
What is 175?
This year, Queen's is celebrating it's ___th anniversary.
What is 2 hours?
The amount of time it takes, on average, for the body to break down a single drink.
What is ____?
I can do this to stay safe in a drinking environment.
What is false- a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can even continue to rise even while they are passed out.
T/F: My friend can sleep off alcohol poisoning.
What is Watt's Hall front desk?
Someone in residence is having a party that is getting out of control.
What is RIchardson stadium?
This Queen's football stadium has just been renovated.
What is 3 drinks?
The recommended number of drinks in one night for women (low-risk drinking).
What is false- The amount you drink matters more than the type of drinks you consume or how you mix them, so pacing is key!
T/F: Beer before liquor, never been sicker; liquor before beer, you’re in the clear.
What is vomiting/mental confusion/slow breathing/hypothermia/seizures/coma
This is a symptom of alcohol poisoning.
What is intervening the heck out of it?
You think your friend has had too much to drink and you want to head out, but they insist on staying with a stranger who is pursuing them.
What is Boohoo the bear?
This is the name of the Queen's mascot.
What is 100?
Average calories in 1 shot of hard liquor.
What is protein- helps to slow the absorption of alcohol into the circulatory system
Foods high in this nutrient are best to eat before and while drinking.
What is Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?
This becomes too high during alcohol poisoning/overdose.
What is Walkhome/bluelights?
You are out late and feel unsafe walking home alone in the University District.
What is the oil thigh?
This is what Queen's students sing when there is a touch down.
What is 5oz? (second line of a red solo- less than 1/3 full)
The standard serving size for a glass of wine in ounces.
What is false- Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen while still drinking. The painkillers can erode the stomach lining & with the stomach irritants in alcohol, can cause liver inflammation and allow more alcohol into the bloodstream, resulting in potential liver damage and a higher BAC
T/F: Taking Aspirin or ibuprofen before heavy drinking can reduce hangover effects.
What is chokes on vomit/hypothermia/hypoglycemia/severe dehydration leading to brain damage/death
This can happen if you don't get help for someone with alcohol poisoning.
What is campus security, 911?
You find someone passed out at a party, who you suspect has had too much to drink.
What is cha-gheill? CHA GALE
This is Hannah's favorite Gaelic war cry.