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Name tribes that live in Alaska.
Eskimo, Aleut, Yupik
Do sheep live in Alaska?
Yes, and they are Dall Sheep.
Is Alaska the least connected state by road?
Yes, Alaska is the least connected by the “sidewalk of the car”.
When was Anchorage settled and made into a city?
Anchorage was settled in 1914, and was made into a city in 1920.
What are the record high and low in Alaska and where were the recorded?
Alaska has a record high of 100° Fahrenheit, and a record cold of -80° Fahrenheit, all in the Interior Alaska.
Define shamanism.
Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.
Are there frogs and turtles in Alaska?
Yes, there are frogs and turtles in Alaska.
Is Juneau connected by road?
No, the capital of Alaska is not connected by road.
What was the original name of Juneau?
Juneau City was the original name of the capital of Alaska.
What types of weather does most of Alaska experience?
Most of the area of Alaska is either subarctic or tundra.
What is ONE of the Native Alaskan language families?
Eskimo-Aleut, Na-Deme
Name two species of plant found in Alaska.
There is the Devil’s Club and the Forget-Me-Not.
Does Alaska have the highest rate in the US of people walking/running as their main commute?
Yes, the most people walk or run as their main commute here in the USA.
When was Fairbanks founded?
Fairbanks was founded in 1901.
How often do tornados occur in Alaska?
Tornados rarely occur in Alaska.
What is the population of Alaskan Natives?
100,000 (106,000)
What is the Devil’s Club?
The Devil’s Club is a green plant.
Is there an Alaska Railroad?
Yes, there is an Alaska Railroad.
Do the people of Whittier live in one building?
True, nearly the whole city of Whittier, Alaska, lives in one building.
Where is the maximum rainfall and where?
There can be up to 300 inches at Valdez, Alaska.
How did the Alaskan Natives get to Alaska?
By the Bering Strait of land.
What is the Forget-Me-Not?
The Forget-Me-Not is a blue flower.
Does Juneau have an international airport that goes to the lower USA?
Yes, the capital of Alaska has an international airport that goes to Seattle/Tacoma.
How populated is Nome?
Nome is the 16th most populated city in Alaska, at 3,500 people.
Where are the coldest and warmest regions in Alaska?
North Alaska is the coldest region, while the South Panhandle region is the warmest.