Suratul Anbiyya | The Quran | Imam Hussein | Muharram | Kerbala |
The sura whose title means "THE PROPHETS"
She is the only woman mentioned in the Quran by her first name
What is the city of Medina
Where was Imam Hussain (AS) born
What is two Imams
How many Imams have their death in the month of Muharram
What is Iraq
Kerbala is in this country
What is "ABIDEEN"
This word can refer to the deepest form of worship
What is (7) Manzils
This is the number of manzils (stages) of the Quran
What is the city of Mekka
The last city in the Hejaz visited by Imam Hussain (AS)
What is the JULUS
In some countries Muslims mark this procession in Muharram during which they march through the city teaching people about Imam Hussain
What are the shrines of Imam Hussayn and Hazrat Abbas
There are two important shrines in Kerbala. These are
Many of us are devoted to this basketball player from the LA LAKERS
What is thirty (30) Juz
This is the number of siparas or parts of the Quran
What is Dua Arafah
This Dua was mentored and recited by Imam Hussein and is repeated every year
What is SABIL
This is the act of being extra kind in Muharram especially in giving people cold water
What is twenty million
How many people visit Kerbala every year
And to this prophet, in this same Sura, Allah mentions he gave him command of the winds and the lands
What is (540) Rukoo
This is the number of paragraphs of the Quran
Who is Ubyadullah Ibn Ziyad
He was the Governor of Kufa who ordered the killing of Imam Hussein (AS)
What is the Maqtal
This is the name given to the entire history of Ashura describing the death of Imam Hussain and his companions
What is by road or by bus
The main way to enter the city of Kerbala is by this mode of transportation
This is not only referring to the idols but also to the figures and stars that we may be devoted to
What is (114) chapters
This is the number of chapters of the Quran
Who is Shimr Ibn Dhul Jawshan
He directly killed Imam Hussein (AS)
This is the Arabic poetry recounting the death of Imam Hussayn
What is the tribe of Bani Asad
They buried the family of Imam Hussain killed in Kerbala