Use cases | Fake news | One of us | They said what?! | Telecom 101 |
What are Dashboard, Retention actions, and Workforce planning
These are the 3 pillars of the CS Attrition Model
What is mango
According to Jorge, this type of tree is often planted in people's backyards in India
Who is Atal
This person lives on top of a hill
Who is Rohit
"There doesn't always have to be three pillars"
What are Bell Atlantic and GTE
These two companies merged to form Verizon in 2000
What are Attrite and Transfer
Phase 1 of the Retail Turnover Solution will predict the likelihood of an employee to ___ or ___
What is dessert
Vaibhav is vegan, supposedly, except when it comes to this type of food
Who are Seba and Jorge
These two people were briefly roommates
Who is Joshan
"The vaccine doesn't work"
What is telephone
This is the most profitable invention in US history
What is 3
This is the number of vendors that supply agent staffing for Sales Chat
Who is Joshan "Josh" Abraham
A popular Californian wine was named after this person
Who is Nandha's daughter
In their spare time, this person is a swimmer and martial artist
Who is Luca
"Does McKinsey clean laptops?"
What is 1/2 inch
One million threads of fiber optic cable can fit in a tube of this diameter
What is Equipment
This is the second costliest CS call driver category for wireless, after Troubleshooting
Who is Roni
"Every consultant on this call is dating or married to another consultant" is a false statement due to this person
Who is Sachin (16 years!)
This person has been at Verizon the longest
Who is Scott
"I suspect a strong correlation between Slack giphy usage and retention"
What is Ahoy
This is the telephone greeting that Alexander Graham Bell originally wanted, instead of "hello" which came from Thomas Alva Edison
What is 5 (Process flows, Employee, Sales and inventory, Customer traffic, Store details)
This is the number of data layers in the Retail Digital Twin (can you list them?)
Who is Will Cardillo
This is the person that Roni accidentally invited to the weekly meetings instead of Will Scardino
Who is Alex (5)
This person has the most number of badges on the Verizon intranet
Who is Nandha
[insert random Zoom reaction]
What is 107
According to the UN's International Telecommunications Union, this was the number of mobile cell subscriptions per 100 people in 2018