Pollution and Emissions | Solutions | Impacts to Communities | Polluters in the Bay | Miscellaneous |
What is Carbon?
This is the most common GHG.
What is public transportation?
This solution relates to ways people can get around areas
What is Asthma?
This is one health impact of air pollution that uses inhalers as one of the medications
What are diesel trucks?
This vehicle emits PM 2.5 when driven
What is Okja?
This is the name of the super pig featured in a movie we watched
What is PM 2.5?
This pollutant is very small and can get into your lungs through diesel truck emissions,
What are renewable fuels/green energy?
This solution relates to sources of energy
What is What is BIPOC, low-income, marginalized?
These are characteristics of Environmental justice//impacted communities
What is a crematorium?
These businesses emit pollution due to cremation
What is Rohan?
This person turns themselves into an alien on zoom.
What is methane?
This pollutant is most known to be produced by factory farms.
What are West Oakland, Richmond//San Pablo, East Oakland?
These are 3 communities with AB617 designation in the Bay
What is cancer?
This health impact is caused by long term exposure to hexavalent chromium
What is AB&I?
This foundry has polluted Oakland for 100 years
What is The Lorax?
This lovable movie heavily talks about air quality and the effects of it.
What is natural gas?
CA generated most of its energy from here
What is Green New Deal?
This is the way to keep people employed and also protect the environment and community health
What are greenspaces?
A lot of polluting industries are near these spaces.
What is Chevron in Richmond?
This refinery and gas chain calls what Bay Area city home
What is bellybutton and nose?
This is the body part(s) we used for the Spelling energizer game
What is hexavalent chromium?
This toxin is created by AB&I in Oakland
What is Silent Spring?
This book is know for starting the conversation around the environmental movement and talks a lot about pesticides and DDT
What is the Chevron Explosion?
This incident in Richmond sent 15k people to the hospital.
What is Hunter’s Point Naval Shipyard?
This is an area has been designated a superfund site due to the high amounts of radioactive waste
What is Elon Musk?
This meat source bought Twitter.