Responsibilities | TBA Documentation | Planning Training | Conducting & Evaluating Training | General Training Questions |
What is Everyone
Who does the Training Program pertain to?
What is Immediate Supervisor
Who are responsible for maintaing Training Records?
What is Lecture, Discussion, Demonstration/Performance, and Coach/Pupil
What are the 4 most commonly used Training Methods?
What is Prepare a Training Situation
When Conducting Training what is the first step?
What is they must Attend the Air Force Training Course
What is the requirement both Trainers and Certifiers must complete?
What is Unit Training Manager
Who is your unit's OPR for training?
What is 120 days
When must the Initial Eval and Work Center Orientation be conducted and documented for ARC?
What is Coach/Pupil
Which Training Method is most effective?
What is Follow-up
When Conducting Training what is the last step?
What is your Unit Training Manager
If you have questions dealing with training who do you contact?
What is Trainee
Who is the focal point of the Air Force Training Program?
What is the immediate supervisor
Who assigns trainers and certifiers to a members Training Record?
What is Lecture
Which Training Method is least effective?
What is Informal Practice Exercises, In-House Evaluations, Formal Evaluations, 3rd Party Certification, Performance Evaluation, Oral Evaluation
Identify 3 different Types of Evaluations?
What is AFI 36-2201 Air Force Training Program
There are several different instructions utilized in the Training Program but which is considered "The Bible
What is Certifiers
Who is resposible for conducting additional evaluations?
What is CDC/Task Progression; Strengths, Weaknesses and Corrective Actions
At a minimum what should journal entries include?
What is CDCs, QTPs, Interative Video, Distance Learning
Name 2 different Training Tools?
What is Performance and Oral
There are the 2 Types of Evaluations?
What is Identify Trainers and Certifier in Training Records
When documenting Training Records was is the most commonly missed step by supervisors?
What is Supervisors
Who has the single greatest impact on mission accomplisment?
What is at least once a month
How often should journal entries document training in members Training Record?
What is Effectiveness, Realism, Ease of Use, Development Time and Cost, and Maintenance Cost
Identify the 5 factors to consider when determining Training Media?
What is Error of Central Tendency, Error of Standard, Error of Halo, Logistical Error
When Evaluating Training what are the 4 Basic Errors?
What is Trainee
Bottom Line is who responsible for ensuring Training is being conducted and documented?