Appointments | S/O | A/P | Disposition | Miscellaneous |
What is AHLTA?
Only unscheduled visits(walk-in, sick call) and telephone consults can be created in this.
What is subjective/objective?
S/O is an abbreviation for this.
What is the A/P Module?
This module is for documenting your assessment of and treatment plan for a patient’s condition by entering diagnoses, procedures, and patient instructions; and ordering consult, laboratory procedures, radiology procedures and medications.
What is the Disposition module?
You record the discharge status, follow-up information, and the patient’s understanding of the assessment and plan in this module.
What is the Patient ID Bar?
This is located under the Tool bar and Actions bar. It includes Patient Demographic information and icons denoting Special Work Status, Command Interest,
Command Security, and allergy information. |
What is is CHCS (Composite Health Care System)?
Scheduled and virtual appointments must be created in this.
What is the MEDCIN medical dictionary?
You select from this code tree to describe exam findings.
What is the Diagnosis tab?
Problems can be inactivated or deleted though this tab.
What is the Follow-up Section?
This area allows you to document patient instructions for following up with further treatments or appointments.
What is Composite Health Care System?
This is abbreviated at CHCS.
What is the Screening module?
This module is for is for documenting information such as the reason for visit, injury and accident details, female-specific information and wellness reminders.
What is the S/O module?
The subjective/objective portion of the encounter is document in this module.
What are the Diagnosis Priority buttons?
You can adjust the priority of diagnosis listed in the A/P Summary box; the top-most item is assigned the highest priority with these.
What is the Discussed Section?
This area allows you to document which items were discussed with the patient or patient’s representative, and that they were understood.
What is Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application?
This is abbreviated as AHLTA.
What is the Allergy module?
This module maintains the current allergy information for a patient.
What is the Narrative pane?
This pane displays the subjective/objective note transcribed into complete sentences as you select and modify MEDCIN terms.
What is 15?
This is the maximum number of diagnosis allowed in AHLTA.
What are Diagnosis, Medications/Treatments, Potential Side Effects, Alternatives or All Item?
These are what you may select as part of the Discussion topics.
What is the FamHis button?
This button indicates that the patient has a family history of pre-selected term in the MEDCIN tree.
What is Vital Signs Data?
This data is available in two modules within AHLTA, with an “Entry” module and a “Review” module.
What is the Dashboard?
This is a free-text field and also has a MEDCIN term toolbar; and fields to record duration, onset, modifiers, values and units.
What is the Orders/Procedures & Injuries/Accident box?
This box is used to associate or unassociated a diagnosis listed in the A/P summary box with an item.
What is 2?
This many additional providers can be associated with an encounter.
What is the ROS/HPI button?
This button toggles placement of a selected term between the Review of Systems and History of Present Illness sections of the Narrative.