Bedding plant production | foliage plant production | foliage plant production | bedding | |
What is sanitation
the act of being sanitary
What is slow-release fertilizer
usually encapsulated fertilizer that fertilizer that releases its nutrients over an extended period of time
What is node
the joint on a stem where a leaf is attached roots and shoots potentially develop nodal areas
What is annual
a plant that completes its life cycle in one year or less
What is perlite
component commonly used in propagation and potting medias is a heat expanded mineral material
What is greenhouse
a structure enclosed usually by glass and used for the cultivation of tender plants, provides a controlled environment
What is tip cuttings
propagation technique using stem ti cuttings to produce new plants
What is potting media
artificial soil consisting of several components, used for potting and growing on
What is perennial
soft stem plants that survive in the landscape year after year
What is shade cloth
synthetic material used to decrease light intensity in the greenhouse or outdoors
What is chemical growth regulators
chemicals used to control bedding plant developemnent
What is sphagnum moss peat
common component of many propagation and production media; an organic product used estensicley for its water and nutrient holding abilities
What is propagation media
artificial soil, usually consisting of several components, used for plant propagation
What is biennial
plants which complete their life cycle in two years, growth and development occur in the first year,followed by flowering and death of the plant in the second year
What is plantlet propagation
direct stick technique used to propagate new plants
What is All American Selections
a non-profit, educational organization that evaluates new bedding plant varieties
What is tree bark
common component of many potting mdias, as well as some propagation media
What is seed propagation
conventional flat propagation technique using seed to produce plants
What is germination
to begin to grow,sprout
What is shading compound
material sprayed onto the outside surface of a greenhouse to decrease light intensity inside
What is display gardens
allow a grower to evaluate a bedding plant's performance in the landscape under various environmental conditions
What is vermiculite
common component of many propagation and production media
What is sharp coarse sand
common component of many potting media, as well as some propagation madia; sand used for these purposed should be sharp, to benefit the media's drainage and aeration abilities
What is transplanted
to transfer from one place to another
What is fluorine toxicity
condition affecting many monocotyledonous tropical foliage plants, and causing symptoms such as yellow spotting and marginal leaf burn