Prefixes | Prefixes 2 | Suffixes | Suffixes 2 | Words that use Affixes |
What is the meaning of "dis"?
not, opposite of
What is the meaning of "super"?
above, greater
What is the meaning of "able/ ible"?
can be done
What is the meaning of "ment"?
action or process/ a state of
What does "fearless" mean?
without fear
What is the meaning of "inter"?
What is the meaning of "extra"?
beyond, greater
What is the meaning of "en"?
made of, to become
What is the meaning of "ness"?
state of, condition of
What does "citizenship" mean?
the state of being a citizen
What is the meaning of "mis"?
What is the meaning of "post"?
What is the meaning of "er"?
someone who
What is the meaning of "tion"?
the action of
What does "nonexistent" mean?
not existing
What is the meaning of "pre"?
What is the meaning of "re"?
What is the meaning of "less"?
What is the meaning of "ship"?
the state of
What does "extraordinary "mean?
beyond ordinary
What is the meaning of "sub"?
What is the meaning of "un"?
What is the meaning of "ly"?
characteristic of
What is the meaning of "or"?
someone who
What does "wooden" mean?
made of wood