His plays | The Persian War | His Career | His Life |
Did he act in his plays? true or false
Darius wanted to expand his empire.
Why did the war start?
60-90 plays
How many plays did he write?
524 BC
When was he born?
His dramatic achievements on his tombstone. True or false?
His tombstone states only his military achievements.
True or false? |
How many of his plays survived?
456 BC
When did he die?
Prometheus Bound
What is Aeschylus' most famous work?
The greek city-states and Persia.
What two countries was the war between?
Which god told him to write tragedies?
Was he born into a wealthy or poor community?
499 BC.
What year did Aeschylus enter his first festival competition?
43 years
How long was the persian war?
15 years
How long did it take for him to win his first festival?
His father's name was _______.