Advent wreath | Christmas | facts about advent | random facts |
What is love
what does the fourth candle represent
What is Saint Nicholas
what is the name of the saint that delivers presents?
What is feast of Saint Andrew
what feast did we begin advent on?
What is the Christmas season
in what catholic season does advent begin
What is 4
how many candles do we have lit right now
What is a donkey, sheep, and bull/ cow
what animals were in the manger
What is 5 weeks
in some cultures they have this many weeks of advent
What is the liturgical year
what is advent the beginning of
What is joy
what does the second candle represent
What is the three kings
Who came to see baby Jesus' birth besides his parents
What is advent and the coming
what is the latin word for advent and what does it mean
What is ongoing life
what is the advent wreath a symbol of
What is Christmas/Jesus' birth
on what day will we light the white candle
What is 66 days
How many days did it take for Mary and Joseph to reach Bethlehem
What is Pope Saint Nicholas
Who reduced the number of Sundays from 6 to 4
What is 22 to 28
how many days can advent have between
What is November 30th
on what date did we light our first candle?
What is the emperor demanded everyone to be counted in their fathers home town
why were joseph and Mary traveling
What is the season of holy patience
what is the season known as
What is Philips feast, nativity feast, winter lent, Christmas lent
name one other name that the eastern churches call advent