Head Start Holidays Wildcard
Who is Ed Zigler?
This advisor on policy related to children and families served in every White House Administration from President Johnson to President Obama and is one of the original architects of Head Start.
What is Flag Day?
A day to salute the starts and stripes.
What is a towel?
The more it dries, the wetter it gets.
What is parent participation?
70.2 is published which mandates a local, formal structure requiring their participation in Head Start policy making and program operations.
What is Star Wars day?
May the 4th be with you.
What is a Kalimba; Karimba; Mbira?
Also known as a thumb piano, the first version of this hand-held instrument appeared more than 3,000 years ago.
What is the Head Start Act?
Reauthorization of this in 1994 made it possible to establish Early Head Start.
What is Labor Day?
This holiday is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers.
Who is Shaquille O'Neil?
I played Center on the court and I am an alumni of Head Start in Newark NJ.
What is the 4th of July?
This holiday is also known as Independence Day.
What is Monopoly?
The longest game, of this game, lasted 70 days.
What is Migrant Head Start?
In 1969 this Head Start program began so that farmworker families could enjoy the same advantages for their children as low-income families.
What is Mardi Gras?
This holiday is French for 'Fat Tuesday'
What is Milky Way?
This doubles as Earth's galaxy, as well as a candy bar.

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