find one adjective | find two adjectives | name the three adjectives in the sentence | find the 4 adjectives | Is the bold word the adjective |
the house is bigger than the pool.
curly and brown
the baby has curly brown hair
large, brown, and dark
the large brown bear lives in the dark forest.
The big fat ugly brown dog jumped.
The fluffy sheep walked VIOLENTLY.
He writes meaningless letters
school and basketball
The school band will perform at the basketball game.
cool, sparkling, and tall
After the cool rain fell,sparkling dew clung to the tall grass.
Small, red, shiny, green
The small red shiny beetle scampered down the green leaf.
The rock is HARD.
I met a homeless person in NY.
many and remote
many androids or humanoids are run by remote control.
angry, big, and grassy
the angry bear and his big friends chased us across the grassy field
Soft, wooden, small, glass
The bedroom had a soft bed, two wooden chairs and a small glass table.
The SKY is blue.
Mitchell gaped in disbelief when he saw that there had been a last-minute change to the schedule, and he had missed his flight.
some and house hold
some robots perform household chores
Red, rowwing, grassy
They found a red rowwing boat moored to the grassy bank.
Small, blue, red, frying
Where is the small blue and red frying pan?
THE guy is big.
Before a marathon,runners often eat carbohydrates such as pasta or potatoes because the body converts these foods into glucose,a sugar that provides energy.
large and these
large companies often use these robots to deliver mail
Small , wooden, that he got for his birthday
The small wooden table ,that he got for his birthday, is blue
Playful, black, small, red
The playful black kitten was playing with a small red ball.
The LAMB is soft