What Are We Talking About Again? Where They Do That At? Really Bro?! But Why Though?!
What is false. It is seen as a compulsive disorder.
True or False: Hoarding is seen as an addiction.
What is compulsion
What is hoarding seen as: addiction or compulsion?
What is Hoarding is extreme disorganization. Hoarders do not mind dirt or clutter. "Cleanout" is the best solution for hoarding. Hoarders cannot stop hoarding. Hoarders are severely mentally ill.
What are two myths about hoarding?
What is 1993
What year was a definition given for hoarding?
What is 78%
What percentage of women suffer from hoarding?
What is Therapy, clean out, family, there is no simple solution
What are two forms of interventions for hoarding?
What is Dante Alighieri
Who is the author of the excerpt given?
What is compulsive shopping or spending.
What is hoarding similar to in behavior and characterisitcs?
What is family tragedy, trauma, anxiety, personal crisis.
What is considered to be a major cause of hoarding?

Addictions Jeopardy: Volume I

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