
Preaching Conversion Authority Major Events The Trinity
What is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This is a constant theme of the disciples preaching in the book of Acts.
Who is Paul
Acts 9
Originally named Saul, he was converted on the road to Damascus.
Who is Jesus
Acts 1:4
He told the disciples to remain in Jerusalem to wait for what the Father had promised.
What are missoinary journies
Paul went on three of these in the book fo Acts
Who is Jesus
Acts 9:8
After He called out to Paul on the road to Damascus, Paul could no longer see.
Who is Stephen
Acts 7
He preached only one sermon before his untimely death.
Who is the Ethiopian Eunuch
Acts 8:32
It was Phillip who explained to him the meaning of the following OT passage

Who is Gamaliel
Acts 6:39
The teacher of Paul, He also advised the Pharisees that if the discipcles were of God, they would be fighting God themselves
Who is Rhoda
Acts 12:14
So overcome with joy, she left Peter standing at the gate after his heavenly jail break
Who is the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:4
When he arrived on the scene, the disciples began to speak in different languages.
What is about 3,000 souls
Acts 2:41
Peter preached on the day of Pentecost and this many people came to faith.
Who is Lydia
Acts 16:14
From Thyatira, a seller of purple, she is considered by some the first convert in Europe.
Who is King Herod
Acts 12:2
This proud king had James the brother of John put to death with a sword.
What are deacons
Acts 6:3
When the Hellenistic Jews and Hebrews began arguing over food, this men, full of Spirit and wisdom were selected.
Who is Jesus
Acts 4:12
Peter said, only through His name under heaven, can a person be saved.
What is Rome
Acts 28:31
It was here Paul stayed two full years in his own rented quarters preaching the gospel unhindered
Who is Cornelius
Acts 10:26
While Peter was at Caesarea, this man, before his conversion, fell at the feet of Peter and worshiped him.
Who is Claudius
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Acts 18:2
Forcing Aquila and Priscilla to flee, this emperor commanded all Jews to leave Rome
What is Antioch
Acts 13:1
During a prayer meeting at this place, the Lord seperated Barnabas and Saul for the first missionary journey.
Who is Simon
Acts 8:18
This man offered a bribe to the apostles that he might recieve power to give the gift of the Holy Spirit.
What is the third floor
Acts 20:9
Eutychus fell from the window sill of this when Paul was preaching.
Who is Cripus
Acts 18:8
What at Corinth, this man, the leader of the synagogue came to faith, along with his household.
Who is Sergius Paulus
Acts 13:6
Proconsul of Paphos, this man, believed after seeing a miracle of mist and darkness falling upon Bar-Jesus.
Who is the greek god Hermes.
Acts 14:13
This is title given to Paul at Lystra, after he had healed a man who couldn't walk.
Who Is Cornelius
This man a centurion of the Italian cohort is described as a devout man who fears God and gives many gifts to the poor Jewish people.
What are handerchiefs or aprons.
Acts 19:12
These were carried from the body of Paul to heal the sick

Acts of the Apostles Part 2

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