People | The Letter P | Who said it? | Don't Follow their Example | The Council (Acts 15) |
Who is Luke
He wrote the history of the early church to Theophilus
Who is Paul
Called to preach to the Gentiles, his three missionary journies are documented in the book of Acts
Who is Jesus?
Acts 1:8
But you will recieve power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samria.
Acts 9:1
He went to the chief priests asking for the authority to arrest Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem
What is Jerusalem
It was at this place, the council meet.
Who is Peter
One of the 11 original disciples, He stood up and preached. As a result 3,000 people were added to the church on the day of Pentecost
Who is Peter
Acts 10:9
This disciple went up on the housetop about the 6th hour to pray and had a vision which included a voice that told him to Rise, kill, and eat
Who is Festus
Acts 26:24
Loudly He told Paul, Paul, you are out of your mind! Your great learning is driving you mad.
Ananias and Sapphria
In cahoots, this couple lied about the price they sold a piece of land, giving money to the early church.
Who are some of the sect of the Pharisees.
Acts 15:5
They taught it was necessary for Gentiles believers to be circumcised and follow the law of Moses.
Who is Barnabas?
His name meaning a encourager, He traveled with Paul but later left him becuase of an disagreement about John Mark.
Who is the Philippian jailer
Acts 16:30
After an earthquake, this man almost killed himself with a sword but instead asked Paul and Silas what must he do to be saved?
Who is Peter
Acts 5:29
After being charged not to preach Jesus, this disciple defended himself by saying, "We must Obey God rather than men."
Who is King Herod
Acts 12:22
This King did not give glory to God and as a result was eaten by worms
What is to abstain from things contaminated by idols and from bfornication and from cwhat is strangled and from blood.
Ac 15:20.
The Gentiles were to abstain from this things.
Who are Aquila and Priscilla
Acts 18:1
After Paul leaves Athens and goes to Corinth, finds this couple who had recently come from Italy
What is Phoenix
Acts 27:12
On the way to Italy, Paul's ship tried to reach this port on the Island of Crete to winter.
Who is Stephen
Acts 7:56
Behold, I see the heavens opened up and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God
Who is Demetrius?
Acts 19:21
With his words, this silversmith he incited a riot at Ephesus'
Who is Amos.
Acts 15:18
This minor prophet James quotes at the council.
Who is Phillip?
Acts 21:8
This man, who was one of the 7, wsa an evangelist who had four unmarried daughters who propesied.
Who is Publius?
Acts 28:7
Paul healed this chief man's father who lay sick with fever and dysentery on the Island of Malta.
Who is Peter
Acts 9:40
"Tabitha, arise"
Who is Sceva?
Acts 19:14
His seven sons tried to invoke the name of Jesus on a possesed man and as a result ran out of the house naked and wounded
What is we are saved by grace and not by works.
The early church opposed this false doctrine at the council.