Presidential trivia and quotes | Get to know CSRs | Invoices | Hoilday fun at ace | sku |
Who is the 45th president of this great nation
Donald Trump
Who second home is Power N Light and wants everyone to go with them?
Matt Howard
What or the two things you do when you have an sti on an invoice?
highlighted it and talk to the customer about it
How long do I have to work at Ace before I get a paid Holiday?
90 days
What is 217?
Terry blue
What President is from the state of Missouri
Which two CSR have served the Great country?
when looking over your invoice at night what are the items you are looking over? (give me two items)
Price, total of the bill, amount being deliver, looking for sti uri
What is different about the pickup on Friday when it is a Holiday week.
It will be lighter
What is 440?
Bib apron white
Who said "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"
This new Ace csr used to be an early raising bread man?
What is the % of inventory that we or looking for to be delivered.
What is different about the pick up the following week
It is will be heavier
What is 7190?
Ind char pants
Who said "Mr Gorbachev, tear down that wall"
Ronald Reagan
Which csr is a star in Branson
Steve Perry
What if a customer ask you what they owe how do you figure it out?
Add total due plus today delivery
If I can't work the Friday before do I still get paid for the Holiday?
F no
What is 3070?
Wet mop
Who said "Don't try and fine tune somebody else's views"
George W Bush Sr
Which 3 Csr have 100% avg on the stick for qtr
Chris R, Max W, Buck
What is the most important thing to do before you close the invoice after the delivery is done?
Give your handheld to your contact to sign it is not your job at the end of the day to do it.
What is most important thing you do when delivering on a Holiday?
Talk to your customers about their usage because they have extra right now and next week it will be a smaller amount being delivered because of the early pickup.
What is 3237
3x5 granite