True or False | Is this accepting a consequence? | Will your CHOICE have a Good or Bad consequence | What is the consequence? | Mystery |
Every choice has a consequence
Is this accepting a consequence?
A student gets up from her seat without asking permission. The teacher tells her to sit down. The student says, “I’m sorry that I got out of my seat without permission. I’ll raise my hand next time.” |
Good or Bad consequence?
You Study all week for the exam |
you get grounded/trouble, make your sibling upset
What is the consequence?
Your sibling is playing a computer game. You are jealous because you want a turn, so you turn off the computer ending his or her game early. |
Take a deep breath, stay calm, ask questions, look at the person, say okay, apologize
What is one way to accept a consequence?
A consequence can be good or bad
Is this accepting a consequence?
A student tells the teacher that she will not do her writing assignment. The teacher makes a phone call to the student’s parent. The student starts whining and saying, “It’s not fair! I didn’t do anything.” |
Good or Bad consequence?
You don't brush your teeth for a week straight!!! |
Others will TRUST you
What is the consequence?
You tell others the truth |
the room gets clean, looks nicer, people say "thank you", people think you are helpful
What is the consequence for picking up trash after a snack at BBT
Consequences can ONLY be bad
Is this accepting a consequence?
You are running at the pool and the lifeguard blows their whistle and tells you "no running", you apologize and walk the rest of the time there |
Good or Bad consequence?
You stop talking when your teaching warns you to be quiet |
You get a bad grade on your homework, get in trouble
What is the consequence?
You watch TV instead of doing your homework that is due the next day |
True or False;
Staying calm is one of the steps to accept a consequence |
You can learn from your consequences so you can do better next time
Is this accepting a consequence?
You yell at your friend when they tell you they can't hang out after school today. Your friend tells you that you hurt their feelings. You tell them that they are a crybaby. The next day at school, they don't talk to you and tell them they are dramatic. |
Good or Bad consequence?
You eat a whole bag of cookies... |
You get detention, sent to the principal, call to parents at home, get in trouble
What is the consequence?
You cut ahead of another student in line at the cafeteria. The teacher tells you to go to the end of the line. You choose not to listen to the teacher |
people will think you are nice
What is the consequence for giving compliments to friends
Accepting a consequence does NOT show maturity
Is this accepting a consequence?
You spill your lunch everywhere and YOU decide to clean it up and apologize if it got on anyone |
Good or Bad consequence?
You go out of your way to include a new student at your school to sit with you at lunch |
get moved up to SUPERKID or make a new friend
What is the consequence?
You offer to help someone at BBT understand the directions better |
shows maturity, helps you learn how to do better next time, you can move on from the situation faster
Why is it good to accept a consequence