Poetry | Organization | Persuasive Techniques | Literal Elements | Reading Skills |
What is a poet
Someone who writes poems
What is sequential order
An arrangement of ideas or events according to the time order in which they occurred
What is to persuade
to cause to do or to believe something
What is the climax
the turning point in the action of the story
What is inference
a conclusion drawn from prior knowledge and evidence
What is a stanza
a group of lines that form a verse of a poem
What is chronological order
an organizational pattern of text that places, events or parts in time order
What is an argument
in persuasive text, a relationship among ideas that shows the reason for an outcome or result
What is the problem
action that occurs over a single setting in a play
What is an example of introduction and summary
the beginning part of a story that explains what is going to happen/and a brief statement or account of the main ideas of a literary or information selection
These are examples of ... A.supporting details and summary B introduction and summary C.summary a |
What is a line
a single row of words in a poem
What is organizational pattern
the structure the author used to present main ideas and supporting details
What is a comparison
a relationship among ideas that shows similarities and differences of another position
What is Foreshadow
gives the reader a hint of what is to come
What is resolution
a decision reached by reasoning
What is C. internal rhyme and rhyme
a rhyme within the same line of poetry and repeating patterns of sounds in a poem are examples of:
A. internal rhyme and rhyme scheme B. rhyme scheme and rhyme C. internal rhyme and rhyme |
What is cause and effect
the relationship between two events in which one event makes another event occur
What is causality
in persuasive text, a relationship among ideas that shows the reason for an outcome or result
What is A. the introduction and conclusion
the beginning part of a story that explains what is going to happen and the satisfying end of a story where the problems are solved are examples of
A. an introduction and conclusion B. the plot and conclusion C. the conclusion and problem |
What is Climax
turning point in the action of the story
What is rhyme scheme
a pattern of rhyming lines in poetry
What is classification schemes
an organizational pattern of text that sorts ideas based on categories or topics
What is parallelism
in persuasive text, a relationship among ideas that is balanced
What is the plot
the problem in the story that triggers the action
What is the rising action and falling action
the part of the story where various problems start to happen and the part of the story following the climax