Early Life of Cleopatra | Education | Important People in Cleopatra's Life | Bonus Questions |
What year was Cleopatra VII born?
She was born in 69 B.C.
Was Cleopatra poorly educated or highly educated?
Highly educated
Who was Julius Caesar?
A famous Roman General and Roman Leader, and the father of Cleopatra's first child
What is
Where was Cleopatra born?
Alexandria, Egypt, near the Nile River
What books did she read?
Greek Classics like the Odyssey and the Iliad by Homer, Aesop's fables
What was her oldest child's name?
Ptolemy Caesarion
What is
Cleopatra, Bernice, Arsinoe
What is the name of Cleopatra's father?
Ptolemy XII
What subjects did she study?
Philosophy, Art, Medicine, Science, Literature, Music, Public Speaking
Who was Marc Antony?
A famous and popular Roman general and the father of Cleopatra's twins.
What is
Did Cleopatra have any siblings and if so, how many?
Yes, 5 siblings - 2 older sisters, 1 younger sister, and 2 older brothers
How many languages did Cleopatra speak?
She spoke 6 different languages
How many children did Cleopatra have?
What are some of the problems Cleopatra faced as Pharaoh.
Drought, family treachery (both brothers and her younger sister tried to have Cleopatra killed to take over as Pharaoh) and control by Rome
How old was Cleopatra when she was appointed pharaoh?
she was 18 years old
What languages did Cleopatra speak?
She spoke Greek, Latin, Egyptian, Aramaic, Ethiopic, Hebrew
What are the names of Cleopatra's children?
Ptolemy Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Seline
How did Cleopatra die?
Suicide, from the bite of an asp (a very poisonous snake).