Math of Incandescent Gas Our Night Sky Celestial Types 5 Dwarfs of the Sky The Ones Way Out There
What is an Astronomical Unit?
The measure of the distance between earth and the sun.
What is Alpha Centauri?
The closest star to the earth.
What is a Red Dwarf?
The most common star in the Milky Way.
What is a Black Dwarf?
Hypothetical stars that are theorized to be white dwarfs that have radiated away all their leftover heat and light.
What is a Pulsar?
A Neutron star that spins and gives off waves of radiation?
What is 299,792,458 meters per second?
The speed of light.
What is Sirius?
The brightest star seen from from earth.
What is a Blue Giant?
They are large, evolved stars that have largely exhausted its core but have not started thermonuclear fusion.
What is a White Dwarf?
Stars that have blown off their outer layers late in their lives.
What is a White Hole?
The polar opposite of a black hole, it ejects matter from its core into space.
What is 1,300,000 Earths?
This many Earths can fit inside the sun.
What is the Big Dipper {Ursa Major} ?
The easiest constellation to see in the night sky.
What is a Red Giant?
Arcturus is this kind of star.
What is an Orange Dwarf?
A star with a brightness between that of yellow stars like the Sun and red dwarfs. They are classified as stellar type K.
What is a Blitzar?
Pulsar with enough mass to suddenly collapse into a black hole when the rotation speed slows.
What is 1.989 x 10^30 kg?
The mass of our sun.
What is Betelgeuse?
This red super giant is the second-brightest star in the constellation of Orion.
What is a Neutron Star?
These are the collapsed cores of massive stars that were compressed past the white dwarf stage during a supernova event.
What is a Brown Dwarf?
Also commonly referred to as “failed stars”, they are sub-stellar objects that fill the gap between the most massive gas planets, and the least massive true stars.
What is Binary Stars?
Stars that orbit each other in a single solar system.
What is 9,941 F ? (5778 K)
The temperature of the sun.
What is a Solar Flare?
Big explosion on the sun.
What is a Black Hole?
This is a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.
What is a Yellow Dwarf?
A star and is often referred to as a G-type main sequence star. A perfect example of this star would be the sun.
What is a Thorne-Zytkow Object?
An object is formed when a neutron star collides with a star. Usually looks like a peanut.

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