Overrepresentation Systemic Discrimination General Policy Development Conditional Sentencing The Gladue Court
To what extent does the Aboriginal population account for the national population? (percentage)
What term is used in everyday language to define the existence of this phenomenon outside of the CJS?
Alternatives to sentencing
Define restorative justice in the Aboriginal context.
To serve as an alternative to imprisonment for less serious offenses
In short, what is the purpose of conditional sentencing in the context of the issue at hand?
Other courts are less likely to grant bail to Aboriginal offenders as they are often unable to meet bail requirements.
What is a major difference between the Gladue Court and other courts in granting bail?
To what extent do Aboriginal offenders account for the population of incarcerated individuals? (percentage)
Socio-economic marginality; Colonialism; High offending rates; Discrimination in policing
Identify one factor that contributes to the existence of systemic discrimination.
On which particular section of the Criminal Code were amendments made?
Two years
What is the maximum length of a conditional sentence?
The Ontario Court of Justice and the Attorney General of Ontario
Who established the Gladue Court?
The federal government
Who has the greatest responsibility for Aboriginal people as a whole?
Structural problems which lead to the social and economic marginality of Aboriginal people.
Define socio-economic marginality.
The Department of Justice Canada (Canada Justice)
Which institution established the Aboriginal Justice Strategy?
Approximately how many conditional sentences had been ordered within the first two years of its existence?
The questions asked by a judge are naturally subjective; Aboriginal offenders less likely to have completed certain level of education/have a job + earn a steady income/have permanent residence in area of crime.
Outside of the Gladue Court, what contributes to the frequent denial of bail and subsequent pre-trial detention?
In what area of the CJS are Aboriginal youths most overrepresented?
Aboriginal underclass
What term is used to describe the group of Aboriginal individuals who are, statistically speaking, the least privileged?
Caucasian boys
Which demographic benefitted the most from the introduction of the Youth Criminal Justice Act?
An increase in the number of individuals sentenced to time in a correctional institution
Define ‘net-widening’.
The Court gives consideration to granting bail when most other courts would not; fewer people are sentenced to imprisonment/pre-trial detention
How have the Court’s practices contributed to addressing the problem of overpopulation in jails?
The Office of the Correctional Investigator
Which institution formally reported the increase in incarceration rates from 2001 through 2006?
Lower social status; Cultural alienation; Territorial dispossession; Socio-economic marginality
What are two effects of colonialism in the context of systemic discrimination?
1. Overrepresentation not, in fact, an issue of discriminatory sentencing 2. Supreme Court/718.2(2) does not promote full equality in sentencing 3.‘Alternatives’ to imprisonment are virtually non-existent
State two of the three arguments made by Stenning and Roberts in their 2001 article against the policy revisions that were made.
If there is a breach, one may have to serve more time than they would have if they were incarcerated on the first offense; Prior to 718.2(e) a less serious sentence would most probably have been handed down.
What are the issues with conditional sentencing regarding the amount of time offenders must serve in correctional institutions?
September 1995: 19-year-old Jamie suspected boyfriend was having an affair with sister; threats and insults were exchanged; offender stabbed victim in the chest resulting in death; sentenced to three years of imprisonment
In general terms, what were the circumstances that led to the indictment of Jamie Gladue?

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