Medicine wheel | Seven Sacred Teachings | Circle of Courage | Other |
What is a circle
What shape is the medicine wheel in
What is seven
How many sacred teachings are there?
What is belonging, generousity, independence and mastery
Name the parts of the circle of courage
What is The Spring Celebration or Nanabosho Dances
What books did Ms. Janicki read to us about Aboriginal people and their culure
What is white, yellow, red and black
Name the four colours of the medicine wheel
What is the eagle
What animal represents love
What is mastery
I am fluent in many languages
What is Spencer
TRICK - What is Ms. Janicki's first name
What is birth, east, water etc.
Name something that is in the yellow section of the medicine wheel
What is wisdom
What teaching represents the beaver
What is generousity
I gave someone a present because they had a bad day
What is Leah Gazan
What was our guest speakers name?
What is elder, north, air etc.
Name something that is in the white section of the medicine wheel
What is love, honesty, humility, wisdom, truth, respect, courage
Name all seven sacred teachings
What is independence
I read to self every night without my parents asking me to do so
What is the circle
This shape is very important to the Aboriginal people and it is a symbol for unity, equality and balance
What is a wise person who contributes lots to their community, usually older, likes to help others
What does elder mean
What is the eagle, bigfoot (sabe), wolf, beaver, turtle, buffalo and bear
Name all animals in the seven sacred teachings
What is belonging
I feel I am welcome at Bonnycastle School and 4W
What is 22!
How old is Ms. Janicki