Acronyms | Name That Program | Domain's | Learning Objectives | Deffinitions |
What is Intensive Behavior intervention
What is C2/6 (Follows instructions to do an enjoyable action in/out of context)
What is D – Motor Imitation
This is a perquisite skill for learning a lot of other skills. With a focus on teaching basic and advanced imitation skills.
What are Early Learner Objectives
May include
Visual Skills Receptive Language Skills Gross Motor Imitation skills Vocal Imitation Skills Requesting (Labeling – when requesting skills have increased) Play skills Self-Help Skills |
What is behaviour momentum
The use of a series of high probability request to increase compliance with low-probability request (Ray, Skinner & Watson, 1990)
What is Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviour
What is S7/S8 - Copy letters/numbers (with sample)
The learner will be able to copy letters or numbers
What is A – Cooperation and Reinforcer Effectiveness
These goals deal with establishing good instructional control. With a focus on gaining
co-operation with learners by starting with compliance and immediate access to reinforcing items. |
What is a baseline assessment
– The initial step for any new program
– No prompts, corrections or reinforcement are allowed |
What is Errorless Teaching
Students are taught skills in a manner that is consistent with not allowing them to make mistakes. Students do not learn an incorrect skill
What is Discriminative Stimulus
What is F4/5 - Spontaneous request with items present or not present (with no prompts)
Items are in clear containers in view but out of the learners reach
What is G – Labeling
May include naming objects, or their features, functions, or classes.
What is a task analysis
The process of breaking down a complex task into its smaller steps or components.
Tasks with many steps or components may be divided into phases for teaching purposes. (Alberto & Troutman, 2003) |
What is an Acquisition Task
A target that is in the process of being taught. This behavior is not yet a known skill.
What is Natural Environment Teaching
What is H5 - Answers questions regarding personal information
The learner will be able to tell you his/her name when asked.
What is Daily Living Skills
(will also except U- Dressing, V – Eating Skills, W – Grooming Skills
These skills should not be targeted in an intensive fashion but rather should be taught in the context of normal, daily activities
What are school readiness skills
The learning objectives include developing reading, writing and math skills.
What is a Prompt
This in a form of assistance or cue given to help the learner compete a task.
What is Assessment of Basic Learning and Language Skills - Revised
What is K7- Multiple responses with toys related to a theme
The learner will play with toys consistent with an identifiable theme (e.g. cooking, dolls, action figures)
What is Z – Fine Motor Skills
Many of these targets are addressed under other domains—visual skills, etc. Prerequisite skills for academics and many self-help skills
What is Instructional control
Can be established through:
Reinforcement and pairing Contingent access to reinforcement Simple compliance training |
What is a Target Behaviour
This is the behavior of interest you are trying to increase, or decrease.