O to UE stem changers | E to IE stem changers | E to I stem changers | Vocabulario de fútbol y baloncesto | Vocabulario de béisbol y tenis |
What is cuenta?
he counts.
What is comienzas
you start/begin
What is rio
i laugh
What is fútbol
What is pitcher
picher or lanzador
What is muestras
you show
What is piensa
she thinks
What is sirvien
they serve
What is campo de futbol
soccer field
What is la pelota
small ball
What is encuentran
they meet
What is sienten
they feel
What is digo
i say
What is driblar
to dribble
What is home plate
What is puedes
you are able to
What is tenemos
we have
What is sigo
i follow/continue
What is la cancha
What is net
la red
What is morimos
we die
What is vengo
i come
What is repites
you repeat
What is bloquear
to block
What is to return